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英国伊科动物保健品有限公司上海代表处-最新招聘信息 已有 18912 人关注

英国伊科动物保健品有限公司上海代表处 查看企业评价

公司规模: 100 - 499人

公司性质: 外商独资

所属行业: 畜牧其它




伊科动物保健品凭借公司的信息技术、渠道、资金优势与全球56家知名动物保健研究所和众多的同类企业保持密切的联系与合作,整合和调配全球资源,共同分享最新的药物学及制剂技术在动物保健品领域的拓展和令人惊喜的成功运用。 生产上,公司拥有现代化的生产设备,完善的监控体系,大批经验丰富的生产和品控管理人员、精密的检验仪器及严格的GMP管理模范;在技术上坐落于美国伦敦的伊科全球研发中心为合资公司提供源源不断的产品及技术支持,英国伊科与中国国内多所高等院校、科研院所保持着广泛的联系和密切的合作;在销售上,公司拥有一支经验丰富的高素质营销团队,形成了一个遍及全国20个省、市、自治区、区域领先的营销网络,这将快速实现公司在中国的本土化和壮大,伊科正在与中国众多的动物保健行业的同仁们一道,为中国更为辉煌的明天而努力进取,未来必将共同分享中国动物保健品市场快速成长所带来的繁荣。 ?? 伊科公司本着“以人为本、以科技为导向”的理念,充分发挥公司的优势: 1、致力于成为国外养殖技术交流的桥梁,为中国的大型养殖集团和广大的养殖户与国外交流提供平台。 2、致力于动物保健品的新制剂及新技术的研发,引导动物保健品研发的未来发展方向,成为行业的领跑者。 3、致力于为中国动物养殖业提供全面的养殖指导和专业技术服务,推动中国畜牧业养殖水平的提高。 我们依靠点点滴滴锲而不舍的艰苦追求消除畜禽传染病,实现养殖业之最终之梦想以卓越的品质服务于客户专注于广大农民朋友赢得行业的尊敬全力支持中国畜牧业!联系人王经理****** like and Company to develop and produce in the field of medicine has a long and glorious history. Our company Founded in 1876, has been a full 132 years. In 2007, Eli Lilly's global sales of 18.6 billion U.S. dollars, operating on a global 143 countries and territories, employing more than 40,000.Eli Lilly and a long history of relations with China can be traced back in 1918 we set up in Shanghai Eli Lilly and world's first overseas office. In 1993, Eli Lilly to return to China. Over the past decade, in Country's rapid economic growth in the world economy has become one of the fastestgrowing. Eli Lilly China With common high-speed China's economic growth in China has become the fastest-growing multi-national pharmaceuticalcompanies; China Eli Lilly is the focus of the global strategic markets in the world. The prospect of China's pharmaceutical industry is very broad. With the continued development of economic level, China's record New demand for pharmaceutical products is growing. We believe that the economic growth, as well as better treatment of Treatment and care and thedemand for innovative products is the medicine of the two pillars of market development. The data show that China's pharmaceutical market over the next few years will continue to maintain double-digit growth rate over the next decade into a After the United States and Japan as the world's third-largest pharmaceutical market. Lilly This provides a world of their ambitions. Eli Lilly in the Chinese market has a long-term Development strategy, we are ambitious in this market. In the next five years, we have dozens of new production Commodities listed in China. In addition, we will continue to increase productivity in order to maintain competitive advantage and Concentration of resources for key business processes, such as speeding up the clinical trials of new drugs as soon as possible so that in State listing.Eli Lilly's success depends on our Chinese partners. Lilly has always been to customers, employees, stock East, partners, suppliers and community interests. "People-oriented", "honesty first", "chasing Strive for Excellence "is our three values at the global and the driving force behind China's success.Our aim is to become an important field of health care strategic partnership and vision, long - Period to repay the society. Our relationship with the Chinese government in the education of doctors and patients a wide range of cooperation; our relationship with China Joint scientific research institutions to carry out synthetic chemistry research, Eli Lilly and their integration into global R & D plans. Ceremony Committed to theintroduction of foreign advanced theory and experience in hospital management, with China leading the China Europe International Business School of Management to operate the hospital management training courses throughout the country hospital.Over the past decade, Lilly in China has made enormous progress. Looking to the future, we will advance with the times, Together with China's economic growth, China's drug innovation and bring more people live longer, Healthier and more dynamic. We are rooted in China, andfor generations to develop.详情请登录公司网站:www.yikedongbao.com

职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期  
区域经理及业务代表 哈尔滨市 不限 2-3 年 不限   5 2000-5000 月薪 2019-03-08   展开
区域经理 哈尔滨市 不限 2-5 年 不限   3 5000-10000 月薪 2019-03-08   展开